Always dreamed of publishing your own Book?
It has never been easier than it is today to write, illustrate and publish your own book. Maybe it's a family history or a family story you want to see preserved for all time. Perhaps a self help book about something you have overcome. Or a special children's story you made up for your child or grandchild that you want to share with the world. With Patricia's help, you can do whatever you want.
Look to Patricia for the layout and design. If you want to illustrate your book, she can help you create your own art, or just add color to accent your pages. As for the actual printing, Patricia has worked with printers in China and locally to help you get a good deal. Then you are off ... gifting your book to family, selling online on Amazon or elsewhere, doing book signings to sell your books, and having fun as a published author.
A few of the books Patricia has helped budding writer's dreams come true with are below. To order any of the books, click the link attached.
Marilyn Segal
Marilyn Segal is a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Certified Angel Therapist and author. She has published three books with Patricia's help, who convinced Marilyn she could do her own illustrations. The result is refreshing!
You can contact Marilyn at www.MarilynSegal.com to purchase one of her books.

Gail C. Goldberg &
Randy Carrington
Gail taught early childhood for over 30 years and knows what catches a child's eye in color and form. The illustrations were done in bright acrylics which are attractive to young children. During the many years of teaching grades K-2, Gail found the use of rhymes, repetition and memorization beneficial in teaching children to read successfully.
Gail's books are available on amazon.com and at other bookstores or contact her at GiGiConsulting@aol.com

Linda Leigh Love
Linda's book is a step-by-step guide to journaling to help you connect with your inner world and discover your authentic self.
Contact Linda at

Perhaps you would like to create your own posters for your church, school or organization.
Larry Chengges of Ariana Press, Inc. came to Patricia to layout his motivational posters which are below.
You can contact Larry at aruabaoresss@comcast.net to purchase one of his posters.